“An interactive pavilion provides new perspectives on self-image at the 2017 Flyover Fashion Fest in Iowa City” – Article ISU College of Design
Alexa Barr, Joshua Cobler, Cassie Cook, Austin Demers, Nick Dentamaro, Brooklyn Fenchel, Erin Hunt, Jaehee Hwang, Lingchen Liao, Maria Novacek, Jake Oswald, Kale Paulsen, Billy Pausback, Jenna Strasser, Joelle Swanson
Primary funding for the studio was provided the Stan G. Thurston Professorship in Design Build, the Iowa State University College of Design, the Iowa State University Department of Architecture and the Flyover Fashion Festival.
Grasshopper Definition
Rhino Model
The Grasshopper Definition began with the workflows presented by ThinkParametric for the BIG Serpentine Pavilion and then were calibrated and altered for the material constraints and scale of the project as well as the varied technical knowledge of the team, thereby providing a collaborative design tool to the entire team without the need of extensive Grasshopper know-how.